Unleashing the Power of Lateral and Vertical Thinking in Problem-Solving

Edward de Bono, a prominent psychologist, has revolutionized creative thinking with his process based on two key components: lateral thinking and vertical thinking. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of these thinking approaches and how they can significantly enhance problem-solving abilities. By incorporating both lateral and vertical thinking into our creative process, we can generate innovative and effective solutions to various challenges.

Lateral Thinking: Cultivating a Range of Ideas

Lateral thinking serves as the foundation of the problem-solving process. It involves generating a multitude of potential ideas that aim to address the problem at hand. During this phase, the focus is on divergent thinking, where ideas are not immediately evaluated or discarded. The goal is to unleash creativity and explore a wide range of possibilities without judgment or limitation. Lateral thinking allows for the creation of a pool of raw ideas, at this stage there are no “bad” ideas.

Vertical Thinking: Refining and Selecting the Best Ideas

Once a pool of raw lateral ideas has been generated, it's time to employ vertical thinking. This phase focuses on convergent thinking, aiming to refine and select the most promising ideas from the lateral thinking process. Evaluation and analysis play a crucial role here, as each idea is carefully examined to identify its potential for development. In some cases, the merging of two or more lateral ideas may create a stronger foundation for a robust solution. Vertical thinking hones in on the selected ideas, refining them to reach their full potential.

The Power of Lateral and Vertical Thinking Combined

By integrating both lateral and vertical thinking into our problem-solving process, we unlock a powerful approach that maximizes creativity and effectiveness. Lateral thinking provides a wealth of diverse options and perspectives, allowing us to explore a broad spectrum of potential solutions. On the other hand, vertical thinking complements lateral thinking by refining and focusing on the selected ideas, transforming them into practical and viable solutions. Together, these thinking approaches form a dynamic synergy that drives innovation and problem-solving success.

Acquiring and Nurturing Creative Thinking Skills

Creative thinking is not a skill reserved for a fortunate few; it is a skill that can be acquired and nurtured. With practice and perseverance, anyone can develop their creative thinking abilities. Incorporating lateral and vertical thinking into our problem-solving processes is a crucial step in this journey. By embracing these thinking approaches and regularly exercising our creative muscles, we can continuously sharpen our problem-solving skills and generate fresh, relevant ideas.


Lateral and vertical thinking provides a dynamic framework for tackling problem-solving challenges. Lateral thinking enables us to explore a multitude of potential ideas without judgment, fostering creativity and a diverse range of solutions. Vertical thinking complements lateral thinking by refining and selecting the most promising ideas, transforming them into effective and practical solutions. By embracing these thinking approaches and consistently nurturing our creative thinking skills, we empower ourselves to overcome challenges and uncover innovative solutions. So, let's harness the power of lateral and vertical thinking and unlock our full creative potential.



Kent McCuddin