
Brand Articulation

Developing a new brand, I worked with the client to create a document setting the foundation for the brand.

This document included a brand promise, customer experience, personality, and a brand statement. After those items were established I added articulation for each statement.

Branding Guidelines

This Brand Identity Guideline is designed to provide specifications for the application of the brand identity.

The future success of the brand identity is a consistent look and feel blended in a unique way.

Employee Branding Guide

A major component of reestablishing a brand is to get your employees up to speed on what you are doing and why it is important.

This guide targets employees and is used as an onboarding tool.

I created this graphic to offer a simplified visual to understand a complex process. I help businesses navigate the complexities to create strong synergies for their go-to-market strategies. The closer you get to your customer the more I can help. I will add value to your brand by finding ways to make your brand meaningful and relevant to your customer.